Appliances and Indications
TADMAN offers a variety of appliances for different indications. Click on your treatment task to find your optimal TADMAN appliance!
TADMAN Appliance Directory
We hope you find the appropriate appliance for your patient. If not, contact us for individual solutions:
Molar distalization
TADMAN Beneslider with Shells and Versalock
The TADMAN Beneslider with molar shells and Versalock connectors is the most versatile version. It allows you to mount and unmount the applicance very easily.
TADMAN Beneslider with Bonded Tubes
For those who prefer a bonded appliance. The sliding bonded tubes make the Beneslider practically invisible. This is the natural version to be combined with clear aligners.
Space closure in the lateral segment
TADMAN Mesialslider with Molar Shells
This classic version is used to mesialize molars in cases where you want to close spaces in the lateral segment, e.g. missing premolars or molars.
TADMAN Mesialslider with Bonded Molar Tubes
For those who prefer a bonded appliance. Recommended for space closure in the lateral segment when molars or premolars are missing.
Space closure in the anterior segment
TADMAN Mesialslider with Molar Shells and Bonded Premolar Tubes
When you want to close spaces in the anterior segment. e.g. missing lateral incisors, this is your choice.
TADMAN Mesialslider with Bonded Molar and Premolar Tubes
You prefer a fully bonded appliance and want to close anterior spaces, e.g. missing lateral incisors? This all-bonded version is your choice.
Mesialize on one side and distalize on the other side
TADMAN Mesialdistalslider with Molar Shells
This classic version is used to mesialize the molars on one side and to distalize the molars on the other side.
TADMAN Mesialdistalslider with Bonded Molar Tubes
For those who prefer a bonded appliance. Recommended for mesialization and distalization of the lateral segment.
Close anterior spaces on one side and distalize on the other side
TADMAN Mesialdistalslider with Molar Shells and Bonded Premolar Tube
When you want to close spaces in the anterior segment on one side, e.g. missing lateral incisors, and to distalize the other side, this is your choice.
TADMAN Mesialdistalslider with Bonded Molar and Premolar Tubes
You prefer a fully bonded appliance and want to close anterior spaces, e.g. missing lateral incisors? This all-bonded version is your choice.
Maximum anchorage for the molars
TADMAN TPA with Molar Shells
The TADMAN Transpalatal Arch (TPA) provides maximum achorage for the molars. Very useful for en-masse front rectraction, for instance.
The bonded TADMAN TPA is for those who prefer bonded connections
The TADMAN TPA DIRECT combines maximum achonrage and ease of use thanks to the new BENEfit DIRECT Mini-Implants.
TADMAN Lingual Arch
The TADMAN Lingual Arch provides anchorage for the mandibular molars. It is individually designed for perfect fit.
Molar Intrusion
Molar Intrusion Device
The dual implants borne molar intrusion device for the classic BENEfit Mini-Implants.
Molar Intrusion Device
The triple implants borne molar intrusion device for the classic BENEfit Mini-Implants.
Rapid maxillary expansion
TADMAN Hybrid Hyrax
The TAD-borne rapid maxillary expander for the classic BENEfit Mini-Implants.
The TADMAN Hybrid Hyrax for the new BENEfit Mini-DIRECT Mini-Implants.
TADMAN Tooth Borne Maxillary Expander
This clasic rapid expander uses no TADs, it’s borne on the molars and premolars.
Rapid maxillary expansion & protraction
TADMAN Hybrid Hyrax with Facemask Hooks
This is the appliance of choice for rapid maxillary expansion and protraction using a facemask.
TADMAN Hybrid Hyrax DIRECT with Facemask Hooks
For expansion and protraction the TADMAN Hybrid Hyrax DIRECT is equipped with facmeask hooks. For BENEfit DIRECT Mini-Implants only!
Rapid maxillary expansion & molar distalization
TADMAN Hybrid Hyrax Distalizer DIRECT
For expansion and protraction the TADMAN Hybrid Hyrax DIRECT is equipped with facmeask hooks. For BENEfit DIRECT Mini-Implants only!
Rapid maxillary expansion & protraction & molar distalization
TADMAN Hybrid Hyrax Distalizer DIRECT with Facemask Hooks
For expansion and protraction the TADMAN Hybrid Hyrax DIRECT is equipped with facmeask hooks. For BENEfit DIRECT Mini-Implants only!