TADMAN Rapid Expander

The proven appliance for TAD based rapid maxillary expansion.

The TADMAN Hybrid Hyrax can be inserted as soon as the first molars have erupted. It is the first choice when it comes to effective skeletal expansion of the maxilla.


Perfect fit without extra appointments. It comes with 0.018″ oder 0.022″ molar tubes.

Ideal for Class III treatment

Additional hooks for maxillary protraction with a face mask. No more unwanted mesialization of the lateral segments. No more unwanted protrusion of the front teeth. Clinical studies show superior skeletal efficacy.

Expansion screw

Optimal housing for the expansion screw. You activate the TADMAN hybrid Hyrax just the same way as conventional rapid maxillary expansion appliances.

Less buccal molar tipping

The TADMAN Hybrid Hyrax provides excellent stability and less buccal molar tipping thanks to the high strength dental alloy it is made of.

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